7 TIPS To keep your pet’s teeth healthy and improve overall pet health

Taking care of your pet’s teeth is important for it to have good health in general, although many people do not give it importance and do not give it adequate care and do not provide this type of attention, that is why in This time we give you some tips on how you can maintain the oral health of your pet to avoid health problems such as bad breath, chipped teeth and also that you protect them from serious diseases. It is for this reason that we give you some tips to take care of your pet’s teeth so that it is healthy and a happy pet.
You must create habits

No animal, at first, will be comfortable with you putting your fingers in its mouth, with foreign objects, or with substances that are new to it, that is why your pet needs pet dental care since it is small, so that when it grows up to see it as part of your normal routine.

That is why we recommend that for 5 minutes every day, try to adapt your pet to the contact of your hands with his mouth, gently insert his fingers and rub his teeth with extreme delicacy to avoid hurting him, at first do not You will like it but as the days go by you will feel more comfortable.

When your little pet’s teeth are complete, you can begin to habituate them with a soft bristle brush. On the contrary, if your pet is already an adult, this process will take a little more time, so arm yourself with a lot of patience and do not give up.

After this, we leave you 7 important tips to keep your pet’s teeth clean:


Try to get a brush that has soft bristles, and that is special for pets, it is changed at least twice a year.


Do not use toothpaste for humans, these are very strong and are toxic for your pet, go to any pet store and get a toothpaste formula for pets, usually in these clinics they sell dental care packages.


Try to clean your pet’s teeth once a week, and always do it after playing and eating.


As an additional tip, add carrots and apples to their diet, these foods help clean the teeth, for more information consult your trusted veterinarian in lakeshore vet.


Buy your pet cleaning toys, generally they must be made of natural rubber or nylon, make sure they are not so hard if your pet is small.


 Prevent your pet from biting other objects that are in your house, this can wear down or hurt their teeth.


Once a week, check and check your pet’s mouth to see if it has tartar, wounds, cavities or any other sign that is not normal.

There are many options to maintain the oral hygiene of your pet, and it is necessary to find the correct way that most benefits your pet health and their teeth in general, take into account these other options that we present:

Get quality food: the food of our pets and important, that is why it has to be of quality and contain the appropriate nutrients to maintain their health in general terms, especially their teeth, this food has to be crunchy, dry, and of a specific size so that the food does not get stuck in the teeth or accumulate in the gums, in addition, the nutrients should help to strengthen their growth and their teeth.

Have a healthy diet: avoid high levels of carbohydrates and never give your pet’s food as treats for humans, because not only will you make them sick but also these are accumulated in their teeth.

Bones: Depending on the pet you have, you can give it raw cow bones and cartilage, this strengthens its teeth and helps keep your pet’s gums clean.

Brushing: get special brushes and toothpaste for pets to start your oral hygiene routine.

Toys. Some pet toys were designed and do the job of toothpaste, while others can help you remove tartar and anything that is stuck in your mouth.

Remember to make regular visits to the vet: do not stop visiting the vet at least once a year, schedule your appointment in Burlington Lakeshore vet to do general checkups and your pet’s teeth.

Please visit us to check your pet teeth and keep your pet healthy as it should be Book Appointment Today!

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