Try Peace of mind with
BLVH Preventive Wellness Plans
Every Plan Includes
Two comprehensive exams
This in-depth evaluation assesses your pet`s overall health and establishes important baseline information.
ALL recommended vaccines (Core and Non-Core vaccines):
Helps to protect against the most serious infectious diseases your pet can get.
Deworming and fecal tests
Helps to detect and treat parasites and other intestinal organisms that can cause disease.
Heartworm test, Ear swab, and microscopic exam
Two free office visits
If you have any concern about your pet`s health don’t hesitate to come.
Other Services added to match every stage of your pet’s health
Spay/ Neuter (Including Pre-anesthetic blood testing, general anesthesia, Pain medication)
Can help your pet live a healthy life.
Complete Blood Work
May catch issues early before they become more serious and harder to treat. Builds baselines for current and future care.
Dental Cleaning (Including general anesthesia, Pain medication).
Can prevent serious infection, tooth loss, pain and potential for heart and kidney disease.
Urine testing
Helps to detect infections, dehydration, and diseases.
Eye pressure
Helps you to ensure your pet doesn’t have glaucoma or other eye problems.
Blood pressure
Helps to detect any hypertension which may lead to serious organ damage like the heart, eyes, and kidneys.
Preventive X-Rays (2 views) for dogs
Helps evaluate the tissues, organs, and bones to assess potential health concerns based on your pet`s age and breed.